Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thoughts&Quotes about freash water DvD


“It’s melting away It’s wasting away, I need it. There’s no doubt about it”-water is a precious thing, it wastes away every day because people decide to leave the water tap on when they brush there teeth or water plants for to long , people need to preserve or use less water. Right know glaciers are melting at an alarming rate they have declined 20-70% in the last 60 years

“It’s what we’ve got its all that’s it”

97% of water is salt and 3% is fresh and 70% of that fresh water is ice and a lot is being used up every day did you know that it takes 2500 bath tubs of water to feed one person in Canada and the are four people in most families so 2500 times 4 = 10000 bath tubs of water and that’s a lot of water we need to think of more ways to save water or we could have major crop failures and fish dying.

“Every drop counts”

In some places people have very clean water because they have stoneflies, catisflies and may flies they are indicators of good water and that it is not polluted and cold and lots of dissolved oxygen. If we lose fish we lose whales and then we lose land mammals so every drop dose count we need this water or we will lose every thing and could be KILLED ……..

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